
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Happenings...

August 27, 2013 - Today, I'm going to start blogging again. Everyday my memory fades a little more and if only for my own sanity, I'm going to write so I's an old post never published from the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012...

GEEZ, I can't believe how much time has passed since my last post.  So many updates.  In just 4 short months Alistair has learned and experienced so many different things.   Fortunately for you, I've been jotting down key dates...

October 18, 2011: Alistair's first experience with rice cereal!  Gave him gas.  Switched to oatmeal instead.

October 21, 2011: Alistair's first playdate with Caden (7 months) and Kyle (3 months).

November 18, 2011: Alistair's first REAL haircut.

November 24, 2011: Thanksgiving Day, Alistair turned 6 months old!  Alistair spends his first Thanksgiving in LA.  Second airplane ride.  Lesson learned: don't judge the people with the crying baby because we were THAT couple.  And it was stressful.   

November 28, 2011: Alistair's 6 month appointment.

December 9, 2011: Alistair's second playdate with Caden (9 months) and Lucy (8 months).

December 18, 2011: Alistair gets baptized!

December 23, 2011: Alistair is featured in our church Christmas musical, "12 Days of Christmas".

December 24, 2011: Christmas Eve, Alistair turns 7 months old!

December 25, 2011: Alistair's first Christmas.

January 18-23, 2012:  Second trip to San Francisco for Peter and Cindy's wedding.  Alistair's third time on a plane.  Sleeps the whole way there and back!  David delivers an awesome best man speech.  Alistair starts saying Mama and Dada (sort of).

January 27, 2012:  Playdate with Caden (10 months), Lucy (9 months) and Alistair (8 months).

January 31, 2012: Sad day.  Little Bok Bok passes away from lung cancer.

February 3, 2012: Alistair (9 months old) crawls 3 steps for the first time!

February 11, 2012: Alistair begins to clap, wave and pull himself up to his hands and knees!

February 16, 2012: Alistair begins to play peek-a-boo for the first time!

February 17, 2012: Playdate at the Schick's.  Caden is 11 months, Lucy is 10 months and Alistair is 9 months old!

February 21, 2012: Love this video. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Alistair's First Halloween!


Batman with Auntie Bob at Anderson Farms

Frankenstein Socks

Can't Breathe

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This year's Christmas gift for our parents =  footprint mugs!

A while back when Alistair was 2 months old David and I visited "Made by Me", a pottery store where we stamped Alistair's footprints on a set of mugs for our parents. Merry Christmas Po Po/Gung Gung and Haroboji/Harmony!  Can't wait to give these away as gifts!

Painting Alistair's foot.  He slept through the whole thing.

Crazy lady

Washing paint off

Blue set for David's parents, green set for my parents :)

Name and date of birth

Hearts on the inside

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Someone is getting OLD...not me!

HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY DAD! it me or is there an angel singing in the background?!

You're a PRO!

Friday, October 7, 2011

August - September Update

So many updates, so little time.  August flew by and marked the end of my maternity leave.  Before going back to work, David and I decided to make a trip out to San Francisco to see David's grandpa (Alistair's great grandpa).  We spent most of our time visiting family and friends.  Although we only stayed 4 nights, we pretty much ended up packing our entire house.  Traveling with a newborn isn't easy, especially on an airplane.  We were nervous we'd be the crazy couple with the crying baby.  But Alistair did great, he barely made a peep! 

David's grandpa was so happy to be with Alistair.  He kept singing "JESUS, AMEN, HALLELU-JAH!" It was really precious

After we left, Grandpa missed Alistair so much he called to say hi.  Apparently Alistair had a lot to say!

Flipping through old picture books at Grandpa's place, we found this little gem.  This is a picture of David's dad.  I couldn't believe the resemblance to Alistair!

We were able to stop by David's old house in San Jose where he grew up.  I could tell it brought back a lot of good memories.

We didn't have much time to site see but we were able to stop by Golden Gate Bridge for about an hour.  I forgot how chilly it can be near the bay!

The majority of the trip we stayed with David's aunt in Burlingame. 

Alistair and Komo
Near the end of August (August 31st to be exact),  Alistair rolled over for the first time by himself!  I went out to run errands and I missed the whole thing.  WAH!!  He's a pro now!  Looks painful if you ask me.

On September 2nd, we celebrated my BBF's wedding in Vail.  It was beautiful and we had a great time.  This occasion also marked David's first marriage ceremony.  Although it rained and he was nervous, he did an awesome job and received so many compliments :)  Alistair debuted his formal ware for the first time with his buddy Caden.

Best Buds Caden and Alistair
The weekend after Labor Day, I returned to work.  Saddest day ever.  I cried.  Halfway through the day, David sent me this picture text with the title, "We miss you mom".  WAHHHHHH.  I cried again.

Anyways, it's tough being away from Alistair 3 days a week but it's comforting to know he's in good hands with David (aka super dad).  

Alistair sitting up all by himself at 4 months

On September 23rd, Alistair had his 4 month checkup.  Looks like he's getting too big for the scale.  Doc says everything is going well.  Alistair is happy and healthy!

In conclusion to the longest update ever, here's a picture gallery from August and September.  Love this little guy!!!


This is by far one of my favorite videos of all time :)  Please excuse my high-pitched baby voice...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Old School

Sorry for the late updates.  Taking care of a newborn is time consuming!  I've been meaning to post some of our old baby pictures for a while now.  We had fun looking through our old photo albums to see who Alistair resembles.  I think he looks a little bit like each one of us...or maybe all Asian babies look the same!

Alistair - 1 day old
Priscilla (David's sister)
Andy (my bro)

Old school pictures are great.  Everyone looks so young and fresh.  Especially my dad.  Haha!!

Mom, Dad and Andy

Dad and Andy (Alistair looks like Andy in this picture!)

David and Priscilla

David and his Mom

David's Mom and Priscilla

David (cutest kid on the block)

Alistair is growing and changing everyday.  Last week we had Alistair's 2 month appointment.  It's hard seeing your baby go through immunization shots.  He cried a bit, but overall he did great.  Here are some recent it when he smiles!